Case Study: TUFFXTREME Wallets
The problem
Storing important documents such as permits in extreme weather conditions can be a major challenge.
Many standard permit wallets simply won’t last the required duration. Permit wallets are commonly made from PVC which will go brittle when exposed to low temperatures. This can then result in the wallet shattering with any impact. This then exposes the enclosed permit documents to the elements. In addition, standard document wallets often are sealed with a zip. This in turn can be very difficult to operate if the wallet is in cold conditions or if the operator is wearing gloves.

The TUFFXTREME Wallet has been designed and manufactured to overcome this challenge.
This wallet remains durable and intact even in sub-zero temperatures. This is due to its tough but ultra-flexible material. It's also reinforced by binding around the whole perimeter to protect the vulnerable edge from impact.
The binding also provide multiple fixing loops around the wallet to fully secure it and prevent damage from movement in the wind. It avoids the use of eyelets which rust or corrode and fail over time.
To ensure the the opening can't fail and leak, the typical zip closure has been replaced with large flap secured with Velcro. An additional smaller pocket is included to provide an ideal point for key storage.
Whilst many document wallets will be only slightly larger than A4 size, this new wallet has been increased in size. This makes it easier for multiple sheets to be inserted at once.
A highly visual header and binding makes them perfect for use in a colour coding system. Customised graphics and text can be included on the header to improve the clarity and effectiveness of the wallet.
The below testimonial is from an asset in the North Sea which has trialled the TUFFXTREME Wallet:
“The TUFFXTREME Wallet has now been proven to stand up to daily use and has a far greater longevity over previous styles. Typically other wallets seemed to fail at the slider opening which would burst and the plastic hardened and was susceptible to cracking/tearing especially in colder conditions which increased the failure rate. We would normally only get a couple of days use, a week if lucky out of our current wallets whereas the TUFFXTREME Wallet has been lasting in excess of 6 weeks in most cases.
The increased width dimension greatly improves the usability of the wallets which now can comfortably accommodate in excess of 20 A4 sheets which is routinely needed during daily work activities. This increased width, along with the top opening Velcro flap, means that the wallet can be opened/closed and have paperwork inserted/replaced while still wearing gloves which is a great improvement over the small slider type closing mechanism.
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